Social Security

Social Security Questions

Social security

Ms.Savage, I am social security age as of February, but I plan on still working for two years yet, and..

Social Security Fairness Act

I receive a SURS pension because my late husband (Donald Carlson) was employed by the College of DuPage in Glen..

social security; wife to get one-half of husband’s benefit (not deceased)

Hi, Terry. Here’s a quick social security question. We’ve been advised to have my wife plan to start taking Social..

Social Security Survivor Benefits

Hi Terry, I am 61 years old. I am not working, and currently receiving a public pension. My husband passed..

Social Security updates.

In the past, my SS benefits were not available to my wife upon my death (due to her being an..

Social security fairness act question

My husband and I are both civil service retirees. He receives a CSRS annuity and does not qualify for social..

Tax on social security invome

This year I will start receiving social security income while I continue to work. Should I have taxes taken out..

Taking Soc. Sec. now while working – benefits for or against.

Hello Terry, My wife and I are trying to figure out the best way to go nearing retirement. We are..

Social Security Fairness Act

I was wondering if you might know when the Social Security payments will be adjusted, and is this something that..


my wife is going to retire at 58. when she turns 62 she wants to take her SSA . i..

Spousal benefits

My friend’s husband died and she was told by her attorney and social security in Wisconsin that she could not..

Husband passed away

I was wondering I heard I can call social security and get death benefits for my husband he’s 54 and..

SS Fairness Act

Must I apply for the money now owed me under the SS Fariness Act? If not, will the government automatically..

Medicare & SS eligibility

Hi, my sister was a teacher and did not qualify for SS or Medicare because she did not have the..

social security online site

I can no longer log into my social security online account. I`ve had no trouble for the past 3 yrs..


Terry, I know the WEP/GPO Legislation passed and was signed into law. All we are waiting on is when the..

Social Security reductions of benefits for Municipal Workers

The new law that was just passed, that eliminates the reduction of Social Security benefits for those who are receiving..

social security benefits

My wife is 75 years old and is receiving a teacher’s pension. She did not work enough to qualify for..

Fairness act

I was receiving SS (2012) then was told I was over payed. I paid $5,000.00 back, they’re reason my Government..

pension and ex spouse’s social security

I earn a government pension. Would I qualify for half of my ex’s social security she earned while we were..



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