rollover Page 2

Investors Beware — Fiduciary Rule is Dead

Investors beware! An appellate court just ruled that the Fiduciary Rule is dead – before it was even fully implemented in an attempt to protect your retirement savings. A lot of people are after your money – especially if you are one of the millions of Americans who will be retiring and rolling over your […]

Investigate Your 40l(k)

After nine years of a bull market, your 40l(k) retirement plan is likely your largest financial asset, perhaps even dwarfing the value of your home. Yet, while you pay attention to home repairs, you many not spend much time inspecting your retirement plan. For sure, you should be contributing the maximum to get your employer’s […]

Trump’s Economy: Is Less Regulation Better?

On Feb. 3 Trump also signed a presidential memorandum instructing the Labor secretary to evaluate a specific regulation placed on financial advisers. Known as the fiduciary rule, it requires brokers in charge of retirement plans to act in their clients best interest. The rule is set to take effect on April 10, but that may […]