About Terry
Terry Savage is a nationally recognized expert on personal finance, the economy and the markets. She writes a weekly personal finance column syndicated in major newspapers by Tribune Content Agency.
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Note: This was written on Friday as an explainer, before tariffs were announced on Saturday,...
Housing affordability is going to be a huge topic in both personal finance and politics...
Quick – think about who would know where everything is if you were in an...
Read this column and watch Terry's Roth Conversion Podcast with Economist Larry Kotlikoff, who created...
The Social Security Fairness Act was passed in the waning moments of Congress, just before...
Americans enter the New Year of 2025 with record amounts of credit card debt! And...
Forget resolutions – just do it! Get your financial life in order by following these...
Last year families that filed the FAFSA form for Federal Student Aid for college found...
U.S. Treasury Bill interest rates are still mostly higher than the comparable bank CDs. As...
Every year I devote a column to meaningful gifts for children of all ages –...
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Terry Savage is a nationally recognized expert on personal finance, the economy and the markets. She writes a weekly personal finance column syndicated in major newspapers by Tribune Content Agency.