Wild Card Questions
IRA & Real Estate Taxes
Someone told me if I have my IRA account holder write a check for my real estate taxes, it will..
SS Windfall
I am a widow. My husband’s ss was reduced because he had a pension from the Post Office. I collect..
Social Security Payments/Deposits
Hi Terry, I’ve been collecting SS for about 11 years. Deposited monthly into a checking account. I would like to..
Medicare/social security
Hi Terry, I’m turning 66 (5/19/1958). I’m still working full time but want to receive my social security. Will I..
I am 35 year Civil Service Post Office 1967-2022 retired. My wife passed away May 19, 2019. When I went..
Will SS notify us or do we have to contact them since Biden signed HR82 into law? Thanks
social security windfall reversal
My mother-in-law is a retired Illinois school nurse. She receives a pension through the Illinois Teachers Retirement. My deceased father-in-law..
Social Security Fairness Act question!
I was a School Teacher and a Widow . Up until now I was unable to collect my husband’s Social..
Can businesses refuse to accept cash?
Hi Terry…we once worked together at WMAQ-TV and as I recall, I believed no one cared about things like T-bonds..
Social Security
Both my parents were teachers in Illinois. Mother’s first husband passed away and she remarried. Both husbands paid into social..
Social Security Fairness
I am eligible for social security in February. I also receive a pension from the USPS. My ex husband retired..
Divorced women and GPO
When I applied for social security years ago, I had to bring in my marriage and divorce papers and my..
Social Security for Spouse from previous Marriage
Hi, I was wondering if my ex-wife of 20 years would be eligible for some of my SS benefits. We..
Severance – Investment
I received a severance pay and looking for recommendations on where and how to invest.
Widowed teacher and social security widow benefit
If you are a teacher and you spouse who works in the public sector, can the teacher collect a widow..
Social Security
Can I collect social security on my ex wives. I am 66 years old,
Social Security entitlement for a teachers aide
Am I entitled to this boost in social security. I was a teachers aide for 20 years at Downers zhrove..
Credit card dispute
I have a hotel reservation up north in Wisconsin, (we go snomobileing) reservation is from 2023, which we could not..
WEP and survivor benefit – spouse social security
I am a retired university professional and also receive a small reduced SSA benefit. I retired in 2016 after 22..
Timing of social security
Hi Terry: I’m 66 years & 8mos. old and just reached full retirement age. I was planning on waiting until..