Ask Terry Questions FLTCIP Premium Increase — Terry Corrects an Error!

FLTCIP Premium Increase — Terry Corrects an Error!

By Terry Savage on September 11, 2016 | Wild Card

In your article you state that premiums for "anyone over age 80 were not increased". My wife, age 81 and I, age 84 each received a 100% premium increase. Please advise who I should contact regarding this statement to assure correctness. THANK YOU!

Terry Says

My expert source gave me the wrong information and I have just posted a correction to my column. You have no idea how sorry I am about giving you 80+ year olds false hope!  However, after further research my expert, Phyllis Shelton, informs me that the increases for those over 80 are supposed to be minimal.  A "double" in price is definitely not minimal. Phyllis feels bad as well that she gave me incorrect info.  So please write to her at and maybe she can do something to get the increase reduced. She will keep me posted on everyone she consults as a result of this column.



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