Ask Terry Questions follow up on your answer re my mortgage

follow up on your answer re my mortgage

By Terry Savage on April 22, 2015 | Housing / Real Estate

I am stuck.I cant refinance my mortgage and home equity. That would be 280000. The bank said no.So should I pay off the equity first or save emergency fund 3to6months

Terry Says:   OK, I obviously would need more details to give you a good answer.  In fact, let me direct you to people who can review your situation and give you good, trusted advice.  Call 800-388-2227, which will connect you to the nearest office of the National Foundation for Consumer Credit.  They can review your situation, including other debt (which keeps you from refinancing, I presume) and help you work out a plan to take advantage of today’s lower rates, and some existing programs for homeowners in your situation.



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