
Rollover Advice Rule

Have you noticed how much your 40l(k) plan has grown over the years?  There’s now nearly $11 trillion in these retirement plans – boosted by years of continuous investing in a bull market, and by employer matching contributions. And now as boomer retire, more than $1 trillion every year is “up for grabs” as 40l(k) […]

Rollover Now

If you have several IRAs or leftover 401(k) plans from previous employers, this is a perfect time to consolidate them in one IRA rollover account. Not only will this simplify your financial recorded-keeping, but it will create an opportunity to access one of the best and safest investment opportunities for your money. So don’t let […]

How to Rollover

You worked so hard to accumulate all that money in your 40lk plan. And a huge bull market helped. But when you retire or move to a new job you might be much better off doing an IRA Rollover. The best reason to do a rollover is that the investment choices in 40l(k) plans — […]

T-Bills (still) beat most CDs

U.S. Treasury Bill interest rates are still mostly higher than the comparable bank CDs. As of December 20, 2024, the yield on a 26 week (6-month) Treasury bill is 4.3%. That’s what you received if you participated in the weekly T-bill auction described below. It’s easy (see links below) and SAFE! And you can start with […]

The Gift of College 529 Plans

The upcoming holiday gifting season is a perfect time to review the incredible 529 College Savings Plan opportunity to build a tax-free fund for college, which can be used by any member of your family. And with recent improvements, even if your child gets a scholarship or decides not to attend college, the money can […]

RMD Time

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) loom for millions of seniors who have reached age 73. These distributions from retirement plans such as an IRA, 40l(k), or 403(b) must be completed by year end. Avoid the holiday rush, and contact your retirement plan custodian now. The rules are simple, but the penalties for failure to withdraw on […]

Finding Trusted Financial Advice

Whether your retiring and rolling over your 40l(k) or just starting to build your financial future, it pays to get trusted financial advice. The key word here is “trusted”! There’s plenty of financial advice around, but does it come from someone who is “on your side” – working to build your retirement – not theirs? […]

What’s in YOUR 40lk?

What’s inside your retirement plan?   That’s a question every boomer should be asking these days, according to Ron Surz,  of Target Date Solutions and the Baby Boomers in Jeopardy newsletter.  Surz has patented a “safe glide” strategy that he says will better protect retirees from the risks inherent in most Target Date Funds. For two […]

Long Term Care Insurance — A Creative Way to Pay

The most unexpected and costly expense of retirement is the need to pay for long term custodial care – a burden that is not covered by Medicare or supplements.  No one wants to think about needing help to eat or shower or do the basic activities of daily living.  But you ignore the possibility at […]

Calculating your RMD

If you have a retirement account – and IRA, 40l(k), 403(b) or other “qualified” retirement account — and you are, or have have reached, the age of 73 this calendar year, it is time to calculate and withdraw your Required Minimum Distribution or RMD. It’s actually a very simple process, but failure to calculate the […]

Secure Act 2.0 for Retirement Savings

Congress gave American workers a last minute holiday gift – a set of new incentives to save more for retirement. Passed just before Congress adjourned, as part of the huge Omnibus spending bill, the Secure Act 2.0 increases limits on many retirement plans and creates a few new opportunities for workers to become more financially […]

Ready for RMDs

It’s time to start thinking about RMDs – those Required Minimum Distributions that you must take from your retirement plans every year, once you reach age 72. Of course, those withdrawals can be made at any time of the year – but many people leave it to the last minute, which could be an expensive […]

Money Magic

If you’re going to read just one financial book this year, read Money Magic by well-known economist Laurence Kotlikoff, who also co-authored the definitive book on Social Security, “Get What’s Yours.” Kotlikoff has the extraordinary ability to make complicated money matters understandable – and to debunk the lures of Wall Street and the financial planning […]

Employers Pay Student Loans

Help with repayment of student loans is one of the most enticing benefits a company can offer to today’s young workers. And now there’s a new opportunity for employers to act before year-end to use a portion of the CARES Act that makes tuition repayment benefits even more attractive. Traditional employee benefits like healthcare and […]

New “Best Interests” Regulation

A new rule promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission known as Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) goes into effect June 30. It promises to give investors a clearer picture of the fees and other costs they are paying, as well as the disciplinary history of brokers and advisers who are giving financial advice, although […]

Money News Update 6/24/20

IRS says RMDs Can Be Returned If you took a Required Minimum Distribution at any time during 2020 – or even regular distributions on a monthly basis, you may return them to your IRA without penalty if you act by August 31st. Of course, the IRS announced in April that NO RMDs would be required […]

IRA Updates

It’s safe to open your eyes now, and time to take a peek at your IRA. Whether you’re still contributing or thinking about withdrawals, there are some changes to the rules and some opportunities for planning. RMDs As part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, you won’t have to take a […]

Giving Tuesday — All Year Long

No matter how much you shop on Black Friday or Small Business Saturday or Cyber Monday, be sure to save some of your money for Giving Tuesday — December 3 this year. Giving will soothe your conscience and help needy people and good causes — even if you no longer itemize your charitable giving on […]

Beware New “Best Interests” Standard

The SEC has just passed a new regulation called the “best interest standard.” The title of the rule — and the public self-congratulations — are designed to reassure investors that all brokers are suddenly required to put their clients’ interests ahead of their own. In reality, nothing could be farther from the truth! The new […]

Inheriting an IRA

As America ages, it’s likely that more people will inherit  substantial Individual Retirement Accounts.  What you do next will make a big difference in your own financial future.  Yet, few people leave instructions for their named beneficiaries about the best course of action. Fortunately, there are financial planners who are trained  IRA experts, taught by […]