Annuity policy unclaimed
Hi Terry,
I have a question about a annuity I inherited. The company is met life. My mom passed back in 2014 left me an annuity. I filled out the paperwork and sent it in and never heard anything more I figured everything was good. To make a long story short apparently they never received it and I got a strange letter about an insurance policy that I never cashed in so I sent that in back in early December. Now and Friday I got a letter stating that it’s actually an annuity and I have till the following Friday to get the paperwork in or they are giving it to the state so I’m not sure what to do? So basically I have four days to get this figured out and to them. Any thoughts or advice? Thanks in advance. Pat
Terry Says
CAll them immediately, and contact them by certified mail, return receipt requested. Once they “escheat” this to the state it will be an entirely new level of hassle to get thsi fixed. Start calling every number on the form and don’t stop till you get tothe top of the chain. Use the words “stop an esheat” (turnover tothe state”) to impress them with the urgency of your call.