Ask Terry Questions Cancelling Social Security Benefits

Cancelling Social Security Benefits

By Terry Savage on October 12, 2021 | Financial Planning / Retirement

Hi, Terry,

I will turn 65 in January, 2022.

Due to covid, I have been furloughed and out of work for the past 12 months as of 10-1-2021.

I hesitate to apply for my social security benefits but may have no choice.

My questions is if I do apply is it possible to cancel the benefit payments within my first year.

I know that you are busy. Thank you and your response is greatly appreciated.

Terry Says

Here’s how the current law reads:
Prior to the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, individuals used to be able to collect Social Security benefits at age 62, suspend benefits, and restart them later. Now, if you collect any time before your full retirement age, you have only 12 months to change your mind-and if you do, you’ll have to pay back the monies received.

I urge you to find some way to bridge the gap to you qualify for full benefits — sometime just before you reach age 67 — even if you have to borrow the money from family to live. Jobs are opening up now, and surely you can find some kind of work.
Please DONT take early SS — it will put you at a great disadvantage in future years as COLAs are applied to a much lower base check. You lose roughly 8% in benefits for every year you start before full retirement age.



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