CD’S/Two year Treasurys
Hi Terry.Long time follower and admirer of you financial advice and wisdom.Heard you talk about 2 year treasurys at about 4% . My wife has a fidelity 401 k/rolled to an Ira recently wondered what your thoughts are on bank 2 year cd paying 4.2 % versus broker 2 year treasurys in the account, We do have other money still in the market as well. Sort of 60/40 as well as chicken money Both retired 68 ish Thanks,
Terry Says
You CANNOT buy treasury bills or I-bonds in an IRA! The Treasury does not act as custodian for that type of account. You can purchase OUTSIDE your IRA. But right now, you don’t get that much more for going out to 2 years, so I’d stick with 6 months.
Special note: Your IRA custodian may have a brokerage division that will purchase T-bills for your account. Ask.