Certificate of Deposit missing!
I had 5 CDs and the bank is saying I closed some. I only closed one and later reopened it with a different number. I didn’t need the money so why would I close any? I am questioning the Balboa Loan And Thrist Bank in Chula Vista CA 91910.Thanks.
Terry Says
Do you receive paper statements, at least quarterly, detailing the value of the account? Do you receive an annual 1099 statement of interest? You should be keeping all the paperwork. Then go into the bank and ask to speak to the branch manager. Ask them to detail your account history over the past however many years are in question. THEY certainly must have the records. Make them start with your initial deposits at the time you owned the CDs. Perhaps when you re-deposited the money they put it into one of your existing CDs. But make an appointment and go to the bank — not over the phone. If, after that, you still have a problem that is not explained, please write back.