Ask Terry Questions Credit Freeze vs Do Not Share Options

Credit Freeze vs Do Not Share Options

By Terry Savage on September 12, 2021 | Wild Card

I recently received one of my credit reports from TransUnion. TransUnion offered the option of not sharing my information and wondered how this relates to a credit freeze? I have had the not sharing my information offered through my bank, but would like to know which is stronger, my bank’s offer or the TransUnion offer or what the difference really is?

Terry Says

Do both. What you are really trying to do is block anyone from opening NEW credit in your name. A credit freeze doesn’t prevent someone using your EXISTING credit — especially if you fall for a phishing scam and give out your information. So do freeze your credit at all three bureaus, and opt in to any protections offered by your bank. Read this article for links to freeze your credit at all three bureaus.



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