Credit reports
Very difficult getting into any of the 3 companies. I want to freeze my credit and get the reports for myself & husband. (that would be 6 reports). When I call AnnualCreditReport they ask for SS# which I wouldn’t do. A few days ago I got a person and they worked around it. When I go to website they don’t give the reports! I had to print the forms to fill out and mail in. Is this normal?? Plus they all go to the same address in Atlanta, GA. All one company???
I want to freeze my credit as I heard you on WGN. We have ea received multiple letters for the false unemployment scam along with the debit card, which I destroyed. Took this to the Sheriff Dept and 2 reports were made. Also a couple weeks ago a credit card was used to make a purchase that was not allowed to go through. Why are companies so cold, impersonal and lacking in customer HELP? What is my next step?
Terry Says
EVERYTHING is done online now –and that’s the only way to get through inmost cases.
Here is a list of things you must do — and links to freeze your credit. You MUST do that — the credit freeze — to make sure no one opens new credit in your name. and once you connect securely, you MUST give your Social Security number to get the information!
And you must check your bank balances and credit card balances at least twice a week online and securely from your home. If you don’t have any tech savvy, you’ll need to find someone to help you. This can no longer be done by phone and mail– and it will drive you crazy if you keep trying to do that! If you don’t have grandchildren, there are plenty of sharp young people that would like to earn a little money helping you through this process.