Direction to learn stocks
Husband has always handled stocks-hes 82 and seems slower little memory problem I’d like to learn but don’t know how to start?
Terry Says
Whew — this is the time to get your entire financial house in order. At this stage you should not be “learning” about stocks, although your intentions are admirable.
At this point you need a good, trusted financial advisor who will help you make sure that you have an up-to-date estate plan, and powers of attorney as well as reviewing your investments — all while your husband is still capable of signing papers. Please read this link to find an advisor that I know you can trust. Pam Kruger carefully connects people in your situation with financial advisors who carefully look your entire situation, not just investments. You can trust this process. And please write back and let me know how things progress —
Read this: Pam Krueger Wealthramp – Terry Savage