Ask Terry Questions Extra Social Security Deposit

Extra Social Security Deposit

By Terry Savage on October 22, 2022 | Financial Planning / Retirement

I listen to you every week on the WGN John Williams show. I find it very interesting and informative. I also, periodically, read your columns. Keep up the good work.

My wife and I each receive a monthly Social Security benefit. The amounts are different. Earlier this month my wife received a deposit of $27.00 from the SSA. What is this? And, why did I not receive a similar deposit / benefit?


Terry Says

It’s an update amount reflecting the increase in base benefits (not related to COLA) that occurred because recent earnings reported on your tax return gave you a few more dollars each month. They added it all up for 2022, so far, and dumped it into your account without telling anyone!! It took me three days to get through to SS for this simple explanation!

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