Ask Terry Questions Fee only advisor- a wedding gift

Fee only advisor- a wedding gift

By Terry Savage on February 27, 2021 | Financial Planning / Retirement

Hi Terry
Looking to give wedding gift of a financial planning session in Chicago area. The couple is 34years old and need basic budget and basic plan. They’ve rented for 10 years, combined income is around 95k. She has private student loans 🙁 and had some credit challenges. When I look at NAFPA the planners still want long term investing client. These two need a plan to start them out, to pay debt, to learn to budget, to save for a house and still put $ in retirement savings. Basic instructions-
Where do I find a planner for them to pay the fee as a gift?

Terry Says

Use the link on the top right of my website to get to I’m sure one of the Chicago area fee-only,fiduciary planners included on that list would spend some time with them — especially if you tell them I think it’s a great column idea and would love to write about the session (without names, of course).
And as a bonus, if you’ll send me an email with their names and your address, I’ll send them a copy of my book The New Love Deal, co-authored by my two good friends who are a divorce attorney and divorce court judge. We tell couples what they need to know and discuss BEFORE they get married! My email is



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