Filing for stimulus money, not received
This morning, 19 October, 2022 you had mentioned the FREE FILE for receiving the stimulus money not received. I have not had to file on my own due to always using a professional to file taxes for me. Is there step by step information directed at this specific type of filing? Please help as this is important to receive this money, if possible.
Thank you so much for all of the information you share on your segment on WGN. Your ability to share usually complicated matters in and uncomplicated manner, is so greatly appreciated by this house! Testament to this ability that, many others feel the same is that your longevity as a regular contributor.
Terry Says
Here’s a link to IRS FreeFile. You should do it immediately — before November 17th — even if you filed before or were not required to file. That’s how you claim a stimulus benefit that you deserved but did not receive. Thanks for your kind words.