Financial plan/estate plan
I am 78 years old, am retired on Social Security, live alone, have no children or heirs, and am living a long way from any relatives. I own my home, I have a small nest egg, but have little or no money for dealing with an attorney. I’m starting to feel the effects of dementia and don’t know who to turn to or what to do about my estate. I would like to create a RLT to a charity I am already affiliated with. What should I do? Are there Pro Bono attorneys for this? Should I ask the charity if they work with a Pro-Bono attorney?
Terry Says
You could do that. Or contact elder law attorney Kerry Peck at (312) 201-0900, and tell him I said you should contact him immediately. Explain about the onset of dementia, and that you’re alone. I’m confident he will help, and you can 100% trust him. Don’t worry about the fees. It’s important to get some planning done now. And please post again and let me know what happens.