Ask Terry Questions Financial PLanner Fees compared

Financial PLanner Fees compared

By Terry Savage on March 24, 2021 | Investments

Hi Terry: is it more important to compare the fees a financial planner charges or what they can ultimately bring to the table in terms of overall management and growth of my investments. Currently, I am considering annual flat fees between 2 CFPs, one charging 0.30% ( a person at Vanguard) and another who is charging 1.04% (JP Morgan). I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.

Terry Says

Are you looking for an investment advisor or a financial planner? There’s a huge difference! If you’re looking for overall financial planning as well as investment advice, I’d suggest you use the “find a Financial Planner” link in the top right corner of my website. It connects you to where you can be matched with a FIDUCIARY, FEE-ONLY financial planner who is not trying to sell you something.
As for the two choices you gave, it all depends on whether the person at JP Morgan is three times as good as the person at Vanguard! And you’ll only know in hindsight!!

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