getting good advice for my roth ira
Im 49 yr old single female. i have about $85,000 in my roth. i have a company managing it and was wondering
if what its investing in is the best? the asset composition is money market funds, bond funds and equity funds. should i be taking more risks? i do max it out monthly. i also have deferred comp from work and another fund that has cash, bond and equity funds, equaling about $30,000 for a car i will need and cash holdings.
Terry Says: Gosh, this is way too complicated to answer with an online message. You need to work with a good financial planner who can set you on course for all your goals — retirement, travel, etc — based on your personal situation. If you’re in Chicago, I will be speaking at the Money Smart event at the Chicago Public Library on Monday May 20th at noon. The event is sponsored by the Financial Planning Association of Illinois — You will have a chance to talk with the planners who generously donate their time. But if you are looking for a good financial planner, I suggest going to — and seek a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who can deal with your personal situation. As an alternative go to or and ask them about their retirement advisory services, which are free to clients who bring account there. You can deal with a good professional who will recommend a strategy, and use their low cost funds for your investments.