Ask Terry Questions Government Financial help for disabled baby

Government Financial help for disabled baby

By Terry Savage on July 24, 2022 | Wild Card

My daughter has an 8 month old baby that is on a feeding tube due to pregnancy and birth problems. He requires a lot of time. Is there any financial child care that the Government gives? With my daughter taken care of him and not being able to work their suffering financially. Thanks.

Terry Says

I’m so sorry to hear that. Yes, there are many untapped resources to help both financially and in other ways.

Start by asking the patient care coordinator at the hospital that has treated the child.
Also check in here:

Every state has some resources for children and their families. Start at the Federal website:
Respite care might be available as well as financial assistance.

And the speak to your tax preparer. There is a refundable child tax credit that the family could access monthly. And there are other tax credits that could help.

One thing leads to another when you start this search. Hopefully,the condition will be remedied and help won’t be needed for long.



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