Help with portfolio
Hi Terry,
My husband has Dementia, and so a couple of years ago I took over the family finances. Because of his diagnosis and progressive condition we chose to move ( out of state) closer to family. We are both 70 years old.
Currently I have most of our assets in CD’s, t-bills, I bonds, fixed rate annnuities and my husbands IRA is with Brighthouse 6 year commitment ( $250,000). Our total cash assets are approximately $800,000, including IRA. We are debt free and own our Condo ( 390,000). The current financial advice is to invest in bonds vs cash. I also like the idea of a simple 3 fund portfolio.
Any recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thank you
Terry Says
I think you’ve done a great job taking over the finances. I don’tknow who advised bonds, but the reason for that would be the hope that interest rates would come down — and you could lock up some higher rates now. But the jury is out on whether –and for how long — rates might drop.
You might want to put some of your IRA in an Equity-Income fund, just to get the possibility of a bit higher income or even market gains. But otherwise, I think you’ll sleep very well just as you are.