Ask Terry Questions House taxes

House taxes

By Terry Savage on July 07, 2022 | Housing / Real Estate

Good Morning! Husband and I bought a house in the south suburban area 3yrs ago and we have noticed that the mortgage statements are higher! Went from paying $1400 to $1600, when I called in to inquire about it they told me because the property taxes are still increasing. I wanted to know is there a way that we can get property taxes reassessed to get our mortgage back to how much it was when we bought the home?

Terry Says

Well, home prices are rising. And every four years there is a reassessment. You can protest your assessment — but it will likely involve showing that comparable homes are assessed at a lower rate. You’ll need a lawyer to do that. My expert source on all things related to property taxes is Andrea Raila. Here is her contact info:
She can tell you if you have a case.



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