Ask Terry Questions How Much Cash Needed During Retirement When Living Off of 401K earnings and social security

How Much Cash Needed During Retirement When Living Off of 401K earnings and social security

By Terry Savage on September 20, 2022 | Financial Planning / Retirement

My husband and I are 70 years old. We are living off of our social security and earnings from our 401K which is a mix of mutual funds and stocks. We had 1,200,000 in March and with the market dropping it is currently at 1,000,000. We have $52,000 in cash. How much money do you recommend we have in reserve/cash (maybe in CDs) so we don’t have to sell stock when market is on a downturn. We typically ride it out but at our age maybe we should be using a different strategy. Thank you, Denise

Terry Says

Welcome to the impact of a bear market during retirement! Yes, your time horizon has changed. I can’t give advice blindly without knowing your entire financial picture. That is why you need to find a TRUSTED financial planner (not salesman) to help you with this issue. You can be matched with one at — use this link to read how it works.

But as a wild guess, I’d say that you are already worried. And since I think the market could go much lower, you should raise some cash. There’s an old Savage Truth (and long-time market saying) “Sell down to the sleeping point!”



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