Ask Terry Questions How to move regular Treasury Direct account into Trust Treasury Direct account

How to move regular Treasury Direct account into Trust Treasury Direct account

By Terry Savage on February 22, 2024 | Chicken Money

While working on my will and Trust, my attorney said I should move my regular Treasury Direct account into a Trust Treasury Direct Account. They told me I need to open a new Treasury Direct account with the name of the trust, give the attorney the new trust account number, complete and sign a Transfer request form that the attorney will then send to Treasury Direct in certified mail. It seems a bit like overkill. Is there any way to just do it within the Treasury Direct website?

Terry Says

I checked with my contact at Treasury and he confirmed that the attorney is correct.
Here’s what he wrote: “They actually have it right. They would need to open a new TD account in the name of the trust and then transfer the securities to the new account. This can’t be automated and they will need to work with our office to get that done. I wish it was easier but it is the only way in the system.
And then he added: If you can get me a phone number for them, I will have someone reach out to them and help them through this process.

So when you receive an email from me saying your “question has been answered” please reply to that email giving your name, and best contact number and we will see if he can make this process easier!



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