I bond
Hello at your advice I purchased a I bond for 10000$ at know time during the process did it give me oppurtunity to put POD on bond and going thru website I don’t see how to go about it please assist me with procedure
Terry Says
Here are the instructions from the Treasury website:
To add a secondary owner or beneficiary to your securities registered in single ownership form:
Log into your primary TreasuryDirect® account.
Click the ManageDirect tab at the top of the page.
Under the heading Manage My Securities click “Edit” a registration.
On the Edit Security Registration page, choose the security type you want to edit and click “Submit”.
On the Summary page, choose the security or securities you wish to edit and click “Select” (you may edit up to 50 securities to the same registration).
On the Detail page, select the registration containing the secondary owner or beneficiary you desire from the drop-down box. (If you’ve never created the registration, you can do so by clicking “Add New Registration”. Once you’ve created the new registration, the system will bring you back to the Detail page where you’ll find the new registration listed in the drop-down box.) Note: Entity accounts may only have one registration. All securities in an entity account carry a registration identical to the entity account name.
Once you’ve selected the desired registration, click “Submit” to complete the change in registration for the security.