Ask Terry Questions Ides overpayment

Ides overpayment

By Terry Savage on January 11, 2021 | Wild Card

Hi Terry. When Covid hit in March, i happen to be pregnant with health issues. Due to a doctor telling me it is best I not return to work for the safety of me and my unborn child, I stopped working. I also had to care for my disabled mother. I filed regular unemployment was denied and then PUA. Fast forward I finally got a payment in August after 6 months being without income. Now fast forward to January i got hit with “non monetary overpayment” and owe over 25k back saying i wasn’t working solely because i was pregnant. What do i do? I barely have money for food and my child. I don’t have 25 grand to give. I don’t have anyone to care for my child I can’t afford daycare. If I didn’t qualify why was I approved? Please help

Terry Says

You are one of MANY PEOPLE being asked to return “overpayments.” Don’t worry about it. I know you’ve already spent the money. So does the state. AND, the new stimulus bill specifically said that states don’t have to demand money back for their miscalculations or errors. So rest easy — this will be resolved. They are not coming after you. They may take your current unemployment benefits, however. And I am working to expose that horror.



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