Ineligible indefinitely — said I was overpaid
I have gotten 21,000 for pandemic relief. Well first week of nov. They stopped giving me weekly payments. I filed 3 appeals . First 2 I downloaded the wrong form . The 3rd one almost 2 weeks ago with the right form drivers license , social security card , US passport , and a utility bill in my name . In 10 weeks I have not gotten a call back . On the web login it only says identity verification
Ineligible indefinitely and another says notice of overpayment 21,722. I’ve continued to certify everywhere. What is the issue and why don’t I get a call back
Terry Says
Are you talking about unemployment insurance? If so, consider yourself pretty lucky that you got the $21,000. And if you’re self-employed, they are reevaluating all those prior payments. IDES says it made big “mistakes” in calculating those payments. They have said the gvoernment requires them to take the money back. BUT the new stimulus act says states really DONT have to take money back if they made mistakes in calculating PUA (self-employment) benefits.
We will see how this all shakes out — but in the meantime you are ahead in this situation, and they will get to you if they think YOU owe THEM money back! When that happens please write again!