Initial Stimulus Check-2020-College Student – Received in Error
Hello, I had seen a presentation you had shared on WGN in spring of 2020 discussing who was eligible for the first stimulus checks. My son, a college student aged 18 at the time, seemed as he would qualify. He however did not file taxes and has always been claimed a dependent. We confused child credit with dependent credit when we viewed your presentation. He was out of state due to the pandemic at that time as well. I shared what I thought was helpful information for him. He investigated and filled out applications and received confirmation from the IRS that he qualified and received a 1200 stimulus. He is a full time student and has never filed taxes as his income level has never been at that threshold. We are learning he should not have received that stimulus check. We are not sure how to proceed and want to be sure we correct any errors. Would you able to direct us so we can rectify the situation?
We so truly appreciate your assistance.
Have a great day!
Terry Says
First, the IRS understands that honest mistakes happen. They typically cross check and individual SS number to see if it has been used as a dependent on someone else’s return. At this stage, it is almost impossible to go back and make a correction.
And, by the way, whether he files as an independent person for 2020 or as a dependent on your return, he will be eligible for the current $1400 stimulus. He will miss the $600 check from January, because now that he understands, he won’t file a claim for it since in2019 he was still a dependent on your return, but too old to qualify for that $600 check.
I would just let that mistaken $1200 ride at this point. Trying to adjust it would cause a giant, and impossible hassle.