Ask Terry Questions International stocks (traded on Aussie Exchange)

International stocks (traded on Aussie Exchange)

By Terry Savage on October 26, 2017 | Investments

I’d received stocks from an Australian company as part of my compensation package, years ago. 5 years ago I cashed in a portion when the company split… no problem. I am beginning my own business and require some funds so would like to cash in the remaining. It is like “night and day” compared to last time. The Aussie Stock Exchange (ASX) suggest I would need a broker. There is not a broker stateside, that I can find, who will touch this. All of the AU brokers I’ve called (between 6PM and 4 AM, local- due to +16 hours over central) require me to have an AU ID &/OR address. I’ve spent $125 in phone bills, alone. Have you any suggestions?

Terry Says

This is a tough one.  Here's a link to the advice of the Australian stock exchange.  But it deals mostly with buying Australian stocks, not selling them.  I think your best bet would be to contact TDAmeritrade since they do transactions all over the world.  If that doesn't work, please get back to me.



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