By Terry Savage on December 13, 2021 | Financial Planning / Retirement

I have IRAs with Vanguard and TR Price, as well as a TSA with VALIC. I just turned 72. Do I need to arrange for my RMDs with both separately or can I do it through one to handle both? Also, I haven’t heard anything from VALIC about RMDs so do I not need to do that with VALIC? Thank you. You’ve always been very helpful.

Terry Says

You need to take those separately because they are two different kinds of accounts. You can lump all your traditional IRAs together and take the calculated RMD from just one. But you need to take a separate RMD from the TSA. Your custodian will help you calculate that one. If you havent heard from them, contact them immediately to take the RMD before year-end!



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finance question