IRS name spelling correction
When depositing my income tax check and also printed on the card for the EIC card, the teller told me that my first name was spelled wrong (Linda and they spelled it LIDNA). I actually reached the IRS one day and they told me Social Security has to fix that. Social security told me that their records are correct, the IRS will need to correct. I’ve been trying for couple weeks to get through to the IRS and have not been able to reach them. I can’t find a way on the IRS website to submit an issue. Are there any other options I can try. The teller said this incorrect spelling could cause me issues in the future. Thank you for your time.
Terry Says
I agree with the teller that this could cause issues, though it is obviously a typo. Do you have a copy of your 2019 tax return? Perhaps your preparer misspelled it, since the refund was based on the return. So double-check the spelling on the return. If you use the correct spelling on your 2020 return, this problem will likely disappear! It’ worth waiting to see — before getting embroiled with the IRS over a spelling issue.
In either case, I’d wait a year before trying to get this sorted out — unless they wouldn’t accept the check for deposit. By next year, the IRS will likely be much more accessible!