Just retired, hope to be here 25 yrs, want to invest in CD’s or ira’s our large sum to be safe.
One of us a cancer survivor, we are afraid of losing what we have, is it foolish to keep in CD’s and IRA’ S ? We are 65 and 68
Terry Says
It’s not foolish. It lets you sleep at night! But with the current artificially low interest rates, it’s very annoying! That won’t last forever though. And you’ll be glad you have cash.
But over the long run — at least 20yaers — you will need some offset against inflation, andperhaps this would be a good time to meet with a FIDUCIARY financial planner who only charges a set fee. Use the link at top right of my website to get to Wealthramp.com — a trusted matching service for this type of planner.