Life Insurance — lost policies my mom had
My mother passed away in 2011. Recently, I found a box of her papers that had been in my attic. Among the papers was a little book titled Record of All Family Insurance Policies. There are 6 policies listed for me, and several listed for my mother and father. I had no idea there were policies in my name, and I have no copies of the policies. They are through Sun Life and Metropolitan and are from 1950-1970. How do I go about finding out if these policies are viable? Thanks for any help you can give me.
Terry Says: This is a tough one –and the reason I offer my free personal financial organizer when people sign up for my free newsletter. Too often things like this get overlooked. In my organizer form it asks for the policy number. Did your mother happen to list the policy number in her inventory? If so, you can contact the company — easier because both are still in business.
To make it easier I did a search for appropriate numbers. This will at least give you a start:
For SunLife call 1 800 SUN-LIFE (1-800-786-5433)
For MetLife try this number which is their life insurance claims department: 1-800-638-5000
At least those should give you a start, and you can explain your situation. It would be infinitely easier if you have policy numbers.