Mail in someone else’s name
I received a piece of mail a little over a month ago and also a Good Housekeeping magazine (2 months in a row) in a woman’s name that I’ve never heard of. It had my address on it but I have lived in my house since it was built almost 40 years ago. Now another piece of mail with a different name (this time a man’s name) had my address on it. Again, I don’t know who this person is. I live on a short street that only has about 22 houses on it and my street only has East addresses, no West addresses so it’s not an issue of East and West getting mixed up. I was wondering if this was some sort of scam in the making or identity theft? Someone applied using my name and address for the pandemic unemployment program previously but I was able to shut that down before any money was disbursed. I also froze my credit report with all 3 of the companies at that time. I don’t know if this is related.
Terry Says
No one can tell for sure. It could be an honest post office mistake–especially if it was different names. But I’d check your credit report again at at least one bureau, looking for any new inquires since you froze the account. And I’d contact Good Housekeeping magazine subscription department and question them about the name/address on the magazines you received. I understand your queasy feeling about this — but if there are no unexpected charges on your credit cards, no unexplained inquires on your credit report, and if your credit is frozen, I’d chalk it up to post office ineptitude!