Medicaid, but how to invest inheritance
i am very poor, unemployed and have snap and medicaid with tests that cost (on average) 4,000$ per month. i recieved a small inheritance i would like to stretch as long as possible and CURRENTLY need no more than 700 a month to live. should i split my 10k between i-bills and t-bills? i am soon to be 63 years old. love you,
Terry Says
Whew — that’s a tough question — Not the part about tbills, but the part about paying $4,000 a month. I have to believe there’s a way you could get these tests less expensively, perhaps as part of a research program. Would you write back to me by email to and give me a few more details?
And also tell me where this money is right now. I’m concerned that if you have enough money via this inheritance, it might disqualify you from Medicaid! And SNAP. So please send me details about how and when you expect to receive this money.