My business folded March 11 – 2020. I enrolled in PUA and started receiving money from March 11 til March of 2021. My husband is wheelchair bound and I am his full time caregiver since we no longer could have people in to assist me, due to covid. We decided to move closer to family in WI – we closed on our home in mid September. I continued to submit claims since I had it for a year. Now a year is up and the PUA has extended until Sept. I was going to try and enroll in the PUA in WI but not sure how to stop the IL PUA. I stopped submitting claims in March. I did update the addresses, thinking I might hear from them.
When I have tried calling I can not get thru. and have often just get disconnected.
Terry Says
Whew, I would hate to wade into this mess. I know you were trying to be honest, but since you didn’t work in Wisconsin there is zero chance you will get benefits in that state. I don’t know the legality of continuing to file, but many people have been forced to move during the pandemic. They still collect benefits owed them because they worked in their original state and were laid off there!