Received 5 unemployment debit cards for strangers!
Over the last week I have received 5 separate letters from Key Bank. They contain IDES unemployment debit cards for 5 separate individuals who do not live at my address. No one currently living at our address has filed for unemployment. I have tried contacting IDES with no luck. I contacted Key Bank and was told I had to contact IDES. I have informed the post office to stop delivering the letters. Is there anything else I can do to stop receiving these debit cards?
Terry Says
OMG — I have heard of people receiving cards when they didn’t apply — but this is insane! IDES is a mess! I forwarded your email to Rebecca Cisco head of communications at IDES — who refuses to respond to me anymore — as this is truly awful.
I also forwarded it to the Governor’s press secretary! And I will mention it on WGN- -Channel 9 on Thursday morning at 9″15 when I appear on the Morning News.
IDEs must get this under control!