Ask Terry Questions Schwab portfolio

Schwab portfolio

By Terry Savage on September 07, 2021 | Investments

Hello Terry. I was hoping that you could shed some light on a dilemma that I’m having. I am 46 years old. I have a Charles Schwab portfolio that I started almost 10 years ago. Since that time, my 401k as well as my Acorns account seems to be growing more consistently than the Schwab portfolio. Would it be in my best interest to transfer the funds from this portfolio to the other accounts in order to benefit from more consistent growth?

Terry Says

That all depends on WHICH Schwab portfolio you chose! If it was a balance, or mostly bond fund, then of course you wouldn’t get the growth that stock funds have offered in recent years. I think it’s time for an independent review. Either ask Schwab for a FEE-ONLY fiduciary advisor (preferably a Certified Financial Planner) or search for one at



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