Searching a qualified, trustworthy financial advisor for a woman retiree of early seventies
Are you also practicing as a personal financial advisor yourself? If not, could you recommend anyone of your caliber, in Chicago downtown area or Libertyville area? I would also like to know an approximate fee range, if possible.
Thank you.
Terry Says: I don’t have individual clients, but I’m always trying to point people in the right direction. I’m happy to give out names of people I know and trust, across the country. BUT, you need to do your own homework, as well. Remember, there are two kinds of advisors (not stockbrokers). There are planners who charge a fee-only for their services ( and those who charge commissions on the products they sell to you, and may also charge an overall fee. But in either case, you want to work with a CERTIFIED Financial Planner (CFP). And you can find one in your area by searching at
That’s the first step. Then you have to meet with the planner, and trust your own instincts. Ask questions — and listen to the questions they ask you about your goals and risk tolerance. Remember, a true planner is there to help you with estate, tax, insurance planning, as well as investments. And not just sell you products!
If you’re in Illinois, I suggest you contact Ellen Rogin. Her email is: And her phone number is 847-441-8700. She is based in Northbrook. And her website is I trust her completely — but it is your money, and your relationship.