Ask Terry Questions Sell my townhome?

Sell my townhome?

By Terry Savage on September 27, 2015 | Housing / Real Estate

I am single and 10-15 years from retirement. My townhome will be paid off next month. Should I sell it, and avoid significant HOA fees, and buy a single family home?

Terry Says:  That’s a tough question to answer without knowing a LOT more about your financial situation.  Just remember, those HOA fees not only pay for landscaping and maintenance, but they pay for peace of mind.  In a single family home you’ll have to be around to let the cable repair person, and the exterminator, and other service people. And not only will it take time, but a lot of planning to schedule them to come while you’re at home! (Assuming they show up on time!)  Keep that in mind when you think HOA fees are too high!

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