Series I Bond in name of living trust
I got our Series I Bond on 10-21-22 in my husbands name with his SS#. On 11-1-22 we’ll sign up and pay for our revocable living trust. How do I change ownership of the I Bond from the single owner (husband) to the revocable living trust (both of us).
Terry Says
You can’t do that. YOu have to buy the bond and keep it in the account you created. If you wait until November 1st you won’t get that 9.62% rate.
So create your trust account now. Tonight. It can use the same SS number as his individual account.
And if you can’t get that account open, you can later — next week when things calm down — add a POD — payable on death to the bond in his name. It’s easy- just search POD in the search bar at TreasuryDirect.