Ask Terry Questions Social Security

Social Security

By Terry Savage on December 28, 2023 | Financial Planning / Retirement

My husband is collecting his social security since 2013 when he turned 66, which is our main source of income. I will turn 65 this year. I am self employed and haven’t had much income since the pandemic. If I start to collect my social security on my birthday will I still be able to get his when he passes? I heard if I collect mine I will lose his when he is gone.

Terry Says

At his death, you will collect the higher of two benefits — yours or his. AND, when you go to collect your benefits, you might also have them check his benefit, because you are entitled either to your own benefit, or half of his (as his spouse) –whichever is higher — but only if you wait until your FULL retirement age, which is about 67.
In either case, you should definitely wait until your own full retirement age to collect on your benefit, if at all possible.



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