Ask Terry Questions Social Security

Social Security

By Terry Savage on October 22, 2024 | Financial Planning / Retirement

Thank you for all of your financial advice that you offer. I am 69 (70 in March 2025) working full time and making good money. Unsure of full retirement age. My wife is retired. Is it better for me to begin taking SS benefits now and have that money in my account than to have it sitting someplace else? Thank you.

Terry Says

Wait until your 70th birthday to take SS, in order to get your maximum base benefit. You can apply up to 4 months in advance so that your benefit starts in the month of your 70th birthday. It is paid one month in arrears, so you won’t get your first deposit until the month AFTER your birthday. Read this article for a full explanation.
Just make sure when you apply that you don’t want your benefit to start until you have reached the maximum at age 70.



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