Ask Terry Questions Social Security Benefits after Divorce

Social Security Benefits after Divorce

By Terry Savage on January 06, 2024 | Financial Planning / Retirement

I divorced my husband after 48 years of marriage because of online love relationships. I didn’t want a dragged out divorce draining our savings so I got an attorney that represented me. She created an agreement where everything pretty much was split 50/50 with the exception of his 2 pensions and my 401K. My 401K had about $575K. Through my attorney, I had his pensions from California Calpers (lump sum present value $254,306) and Illinois IMRF (lump sum present value $145,374.) valued, to me they appeared to be less in value than my 401K. So I didn’t go after his pensions and he couldn’t have any of my 401K. Therefore, I won’t receive any of his pensions should he pass away. He is 72 retired since 62 and I am 68 still working but collecting SS. I receive more SS than he did. My question, would I be eligible to collect any of his Social Security should he pass away before me? Thank you!

Terry Says

Sounds like you made a pretty good deal. The only way you could get benefits on his account (and as a divorced ex with at least 10years of marriage you would be entitled to half his benefit) is if that amount was greater than your own benefit! Sounds like that is not the case. You can’t get yours and his,as well.



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