Social security benefits for couple when one dies
I am 71, my wife is 61. Should I die before her, what will she be entitled to with my Social Security benefits? I assume she would receive a good portion of my monthly payment until she starts taking her own monthly payment and then that payment from my SS would be reduced. Also, does the payment increase or decrease based on the time frame from my death to her claiming her own SS? Thanks
Terry Says
This is a tricky question. The basic answer is yes — at your death, she will receive your Social Security benefit as a widow’s benefit (actually if she is receiving benefits, and at your death your benefit is higher, she will receive hers plus the differential).
The question is really whether she should start taking her benefits early at age 62 (something I rarely recommend) knowing that it could be a long time till you die(!) — or wait to claim her full benefit at 67. A lot depends on each of your earnings history.
To get a specific answer to to — the website of economist Laurence Kotlikoff, and pay the$40 to do this computer program. It’s well worth it!