Ask Terry Questions Social Security Credits

Social Security Credits

By Terry Savage on July 04, 2022 | Financial Planning / Retirement

My wife has 19 credits to go before she receives the required 40 credits for Social Security. She has 2 part time jobs. What does she have to do in order to pay more money towards Social Security? Or is it totally depends on money earned. Does she have to tell part-time employers to take more money out of her check for Social Security? Thank you for your time…

Terry Says

Employers take the prescribed amount out of wages for FICA — Social Security. Your wife needs 40 QUARTERS of work in which she paid into Social Security. There is no shortcut. If she wants to have more money in retirement she could also open an Individual Retirement Account — a ROTH IRA — at 1-800-FIDELITY and invest conservatively every month.
I suggest a small investment in my book “The Savage Truth on Money” available here on so you both have some idea of how both Social Security and investing work!

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