Ask Terry Questions Social security fairness act — more anger

Social security fairness act — more anger

By Terry Savage on January 06, 2025 | Wild Card

Terry I was a federal employee for over 37 years working for the social security administration at headquarters in Baltimore. I retired in 2006 and in addition I earned my 40 quarters of coverage working part time jobs . When I applied for social security my benefit was reduced by 65 percent. That Is not all I got divorced and was not eligible for my ex’s social security benefit because of this idious bill passed in 1984 by president Regan. This law was one of the most unfair laws that ever was passed that affected the working person. I paid in to my fica at the full rate while working and when it was time to collect it was reduced like I said . Don’t get me wrong mrs savage I am glad that this law finally got corrected but what about all of us that won’t get nothing returned that was justifiable due . To be honest it’s truly shameful to not get reimbursed regardless of the cost to the government

Terry Says

Gosh, I understand your anger. To put it in perspective, there are a lot of tax laws passed that might have helped people in the past — but they are never retroactive. Let’s hope they do give a lump sum to pay out the full benefit for year 2024, as the law is written. That’s doubtful. But at least you’ll get the full benefit — either yours, or your ex’s benefit — whichever is larger, starting “soon.”



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