Ask Terry Questions Social security for deceased spouse

Social security for deceased spouse

By Terry Savage on December 30, 2022 | Financial Planning / Retirement

Hi Terry Savage, I listen to you on WGN on Wednesdays. My question is if my wife was on disability because from health issues when she passed this May. Do I qualify to collect on her social security? At first she has issues with her knees replacements. Then last October we found out she had a tumor in her head. That is what she pass from. In advance thank you.

Terry Says

If you were married 10 years, and have not remarried (which I gather is the case), and IF your Social Security benefit is less than hers would have been (not disability but her regular SS benefit, assuming she worked for many years but hadn’t started collecting), then SS will pay you your benefit and the DIFFERENCE between yours and hers, if hers was larger.

My condolences, this is a tough time of year for you. Let me know if you have a problem getting this through SS.



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