Ask Terry Questions Social security– getting largest benefit

Social security– getting largest benefit

By Terry Savage on August 20, 2022 | Financial Planning / Retirement

April 2023 I will take social security 66-4 months. I’m still going to work. My wife is better off taking half of what I receive, she turn
65 8/26/22. Question is will she be able to take it April 2023 too. Or will she need to wait until 66-4 months ? Thx

Terry Says

DONT TAKE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY UNTIL YOU REACH AGE 70! WAIT!!! Taking it early would be a bad mistake — a very expensive one. YOu’ll get 8% more for every year you delay, plus intervening COLAs.

As for your wife, she won’t benefit from your delays. Her benefit will be figured on her record, or half of yours at your FRA, whichever is higher.

I truly recommend you go to to make sure you do this right! The government workers at SS have been giving out wrong answers!!



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